Friday, November 20, 2009

Simple Table Of Correspondences for Spellwork

Table Of Correspondences for Spellwork

Distributed in the public domain on AOL





Astral Projection

Yellow, BlueDittany of Crete, Mugwort, PoplarQuartz Crystal


BlackBasil, YarrowSalt


WhiteAvocado, Catnip, Flax, Ginseng, Maidenhair, Yerba SantaHerkimer Diamond, Jasper, Tigers Eye

Business Success

Green VioletBenzoin, Bladderwrack, Dock, VertivertBloodstone


YellowVervainCalcite, Herkimer Diamond


Cactus, Camphor, Coconut, Cucumber, Fleabane, Hawthorne, Lavender, Pineapple, Sweetpea, Vervain, Witch Hazel


Blue, Red


Borage, Black Cohosh, Columbine, Masterwort, Mullein, Poke, Ragweed, Sweetpea, Tea, Thyme, Tonka, Wahoo, Yarrow
Amethyst, Bloodstone, Herkimer Diamond, Tigers Eye




White, Black
Moonstone, Jet


Broom, Camphor, Cherry, Dandelion, Fig, Goldenrod, Ground Ivy, Hibiscus, Meadowsweet, Orange, Orris, Pomegranate
Hematite, Moonstone, Tigers Eye, Clear Crystals with occlusions




GreenDevils Shoestring, Lucky Hand, PecanTigers Eye


BlackAngelica, Arbutus, Asafetida, Avens, Basil, Beans, Birch, Boneset, Buckthorn, Clove, Clover, Cumin, Devils Bit, Dragons Blood, Elder, Fern, Fleabane, Frankincense, Fumitory, Garlic, Heliotrope, Horehound, Horseradish, Juniper, Leek, Lilac, Mallow, Mint, Mistletoe, Mullein, Myrrh, Nettle, Onion, Peach, Peony, Pepper Pine, Rosemary, Rue, Sagebrush, Sandalwood, Sloe, Snapdragon, Tamarisk, Thistle, Witch Grass, YarrowBloodstone, Jasper


GreenAgaric, Banana, Bistort, Bodhi, Carrot, Cuckoo-Flower, Cucumber, Cyclamen, Daffodil, Dock, Fig, Geranium, Grape, Hawthorn, Hazel, Horsetail, Mandrake, Mistletoe, Mustard, Myrtle, Nuts, Oak, Olive, Date Palm, Patchouly, Peach, Pine, Pomegranate, Poppy, Rice, Sunflower, WheatGeodes


PinkChickweed, Chili Pepper, Clover, Cumin, Elder, Licorice, Magnolia, Nutmeg, Rhubarb, Rye, Skullcap, Spikenard, Giant Vetch, Yerba MateAmethyst, Herkimer Diamonds


PinkLemon, Love Seed, Passion Flower, SweetpeaAventurine


GreenAngelica, Chamomile, Devils ShoestringAventurine, Tigers Eye


GreenApplesHerkimer Diamond, Jasper


YellowVervainHematite, Moonstone, Salt, Malachite


Blue, PinkCatnip, Celandine, Cyclamen, Hawthorn, High John the Conqueror, Hyacinth, Lavender, Lily of the Valley, Marjoram, Meadowsweet, Morning Glory, Purslane, Quince, Saffron, St. Johns Wort, Witch GrassAmethyst, Aventurine, Herkimer Diamond


Green, Violet, Brown, BlueAdders Tongue, Allspice, Amaranth, Angelica, Balm of Lemon, Balm of Gilead, Barley, Bay, Bittersweet, Blackberry, Bracken, Burdock, Calamus, Carnation, Cedar, Cinnamon, Citron, Cowslip, Cucumber, Dock, Elder, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Figwort, Flax, Gardenia, Garlic, Ginseng, Goats Rue, Golden Seal, Groundsel, Heliotrope, Hemp, Henna, Hops, Horehound, Horse Chestnut, Ivy, Jobs Tears, Life Everlasting, Lime, Mesquite, Mint, Mugwort, Myrrh, Nettle, Oak, Olive, Onion, Peppermint, Pepper Tree, Persimmon, Pine, Plantain, Potato, Rose, Rosemary, Rowan, Rue, Saffron, Sandalwood, Spearmint, Thistle, Thyme, Ti, Tobacco, Vervain, Violet, Wild Plum, Willow, Wintergreen, Wood Sorrel, Yerba SantaAmethyst, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Calcite, Carnelian, Quartz Crystal, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond, Jasper, Tigers Eye


WhiteAmaranth, Chicory, Edelweiss, fern, Heliotrope, mistletoe, poppy, Wolfs BaneBloodstone, Tigers Eye

Legal Matters

Green, BrownBuckthorn, Cascara Sagrada, Celandine, Hickory marigold, Skunk CabbageAmethyst, Bloodstone


GreenCypress, Lavender, Lemon, Life-Everlasting, Maple, Peach, Sage, TansyFossils, Jasper


Adam and Eve, Aloe, Apple, Apricot, Aster, Avens, Avocado, Bachelors Buttons, Balm of Lemon, Balm of Gilead, Barley, Basil, Beans, Bedstraw, Beet, Betony, Bleeding Heart, Bloodroot, Brazil Nut, Caper, Cardamon, Catnip, Chamomile, Cherry, Chestnut, Chickweed, Chili Pepper, Cinnamon, Clove, Clover, Cohosh, Coltsfoot, Columbine, Copal, Coriander, Crocus, Cubeb, Cuckoo-Flower, Daffodil, Daisy, Damiana, Devils Bit, Dill, Dogbane, Dragons Blood, Dutchmans Breeches, Elecampane, Elm, Endive, Eryngo, Fig, Fuzzy Weed, Gardenia, Gentian, Geranium, Ginger, Ginseng, Grains of Paradise, Hemp, Hibiscus, High John the Conqueror, Houseleek, Hyacinth, Indian Paint Brush, Jasmine, Joe-Pye Weed, Juniper, Kava-Kava, Lady's Mantle, Lavender, Leek, Lemon, Lemon Verbena, Licorice, Lime, Linden, Liverwort, Lobelia, Lotus, Lovage, Love Seed, Maidenhair, Male Fern, Mallow, Mandrake, Maple, Marjoram, Mastic, Meadow Rue, Meadowsweet, Mimosa, Mistletoe, Moonwort, Myrtle, Nuts, Oleander, Orange, Orchid, Pansy, Papaya, Pea, Peach, Pear, Peppermint Periwinkle, Pimento, Plum, Plumeria, Poppy, Prickly Ash, Primrose, Purslane, Quassia, Quince, Raspberry, Rose, Rosemary, Rue, Rye, Saffron, Sarsaparilla, Skullcap, Senna, Snakeroot, Southernwood, Spearmint, Spiderwort, Strawberry, Sugar Cane, Sumbul, Tamarind, Thyme, Tomato, Tonka, Tormentil, Trillium, Tulip, Valerian, Vanilla, Venus Flytrap, Vervain, Vertivert, Violet, Willow, Witchgrass, Wormwood, Yarrow, Yerba Mate, YohimbeAmethyst, Calcite, Jasper, Lepidolite, Moonstone


Green, OrangeAllspice, Aloe, Bamboo, Banyan, Be-Still, Bluebell, Cabbage, Calamus, China Berry, Cinchona, Cotton, Daffodil, Devils Bit, Fern, Grains of Paradise, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Houseleek, Huckleberry, Irish Moss, Jobs Tears, Linden, Lucky Hand, Male Fern, Moss, Nutmeg, Oak, Orange, Persimmon, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Poppy, Purslane, Rose, Snakeroot, Star Anise, Straw, Strawberry, Sumbul, Vertivert, Violet, Wood RoseAventurine, Lepidolite, Tigers Eye

Magickal Power

VioletCinnamon, Club MossBloodstone, Crystal Quartz


BlueBodhi, Gotu KolaAmethyst, Geodes

Mental Powers

YellowCaraway, Celery, Eyebright, Grape, Horehound, Lily of the ValleyAventurine, Herkimer Diamond

Money, Wealth, Prosperity, Riches

GreenAlfalfa, Allspice, Almond, Basil, Bergamot, Blackberry, Bladderwrack, Blue Flag, Briony, Bromelaid, Buckwheat, Calamus, Camellia, Cascara Sagrada, Cashew, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Clove, Clover, Comfrey, Cowslip, Dill, Dock, Elder, Fenugreek, Fern, Flax, Fumitory, Galangal, Ginger, Goldenrod, Golden Seal, Gorse, Grapes of Paradise, Grape, Heliotrope, High John the Conqueror, Honesty, Honeysuckle, Horse Chestnut, Irish Moss, Jasmine, Lucky Hand, Mandrake, Maple, Marjoram, May Apple, Mint, Moonwort, Moss, Myrtle, Nutmeg, Oak, Oats, Onion, Orange, Oregon Grape, Patchouli, Pea, Periwinkle, Pine, Pineapple, Pipsissewa, Pomegranate, Poplar, Poppy, Rattlesnake Root, Rice, Snapdragon, Sassafras, Sesame, Snakeroot, Squill, Tea, Tonka, Trillium, VervainAmethyst, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Calcite, Herkimer Diamond, Jasper, Salt, Tigers Eye

Nightmares, Banishing

BlackBetony, CedarLepidolite


WhiteDulse, Eryngo, Gardenia, Lavender, Loosestrife, Meadowsweet, Morning Glory, Myrtle, Olive, Passion Flower, Pennyroyal, Skullcap, Vervain, VioletAmethyst, Aventurine, Calcite, Herkimer Diamond, Jasper, Lepidolite

Physical Energy

RedCarnationCalcite, Herkimer Diamond, Tigers Eye

Physical Strength

RedCarnationBloodstone, Herkimer Diamond


WhiteAcacia, African Violet, Agrimony, Ague Root, Aloe, Althea, Alyssum, Amaranth, Anemone, Angelica, Anise, Arbutus, Asafetida, Ash, Balm Of Gilead, Bamboo, Barley, Basil, Bay, Bean, Betony, Birch, Bittersweet, Blackberry, Bladderwrack, Bloodroot, Blueberry, Bodhi, Boneset, Briony, Bromeliad, Broom, Buckthorn, Burdock, Cactus, Calamus, Caraway, Cohosh, Cotton, Cumin, Curry, Cyclamen, Cypress, Datura, Devils Bit, Devils Shoestring, Dill, Dogwood, Dragons Blood, Ebony, Elder, Elecampane, Eucalyptus, Euphoria, Fennel, Fern, Feverwort, Figwort, Flax, Fleabane, Foxglove, Frankincense, Galangal, Garlic, Geranium, Ginseng, Gorse, Gourd, Grain, Grass, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Honeysuckle, Horehound, Houseleek, Hyacinth, Hyssop, Irish Moss, Ivy, Juniper, KavaKava, Lady's Slipper, Larch, Larkspur, Lavender, Leek, Lettuce, Lilac, Lily, Lime, Linden, Liquid Amber, Loosestrife, Lotus, Lucky Hand, Mallow, Mandrake, Marigold, Masterwort, Meadow Rue, Mimosa, Mint, Mistletoe, Molluka, Mugwort, Mulberry, Mullein, Mustard, Myrrh, Nettle, Norfolk Island Pine, Oak, Olive, Onion, Orris, Papaya, Papyrus, Parsley, Pennyroyal, Peony, Pepper, Peppertree, Periwinkle, Pilot Weed, Pimpernel, Pine, Plantain, Plum, Primrose, Purslane, Quince, Radish, Ragwort, Raspberry, Rattlesnake Root, Rhubarb, Rice, Roots, Rose, Rosemary, Rowan, Sage, St. Johns Wort, Sandalwood, Sloe, Snapdragon, Southernwood, Spanish Moss, Squill, Tamarisk, Thistle, Ti, Toadflax, Tomato, Tormentil, Tulip, Valerian, Venus Flytrap, Vervain, Violet, Wax Plant, Willow, Wintergreen, Witch Hazel, Wolfs Bane, Woodruff, Wormwood, Yerba Santa, YuccaAventurine, Calcite, Crystal Quartz, Fossils, Herkimer Diamond, Jasper, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Salt, Tigers Eye


YellowAcacia, Althea, Bay, Bladderwrack, Borage, Buchu, Celery, Cinnamon, Citron, Elecampane, Eyebright, Flax, Galangal, Grass, Honeysuckle, Lemongrass, Mace, Marigold, Mastic, Mugwort, Peppermint, Rose, Rowan, Saffron, Star Anise, Stillengia, Sumbul, Thyme, Uva Ursa, Wormwood, Yarrow, Yerba SantaAmethyst, Crystal Quartz


WhiteAlkanet, Anise, Arable, Asafetida, Avens, Bay, Benzoin, Betony, Bloodwort, Broom, Cedar, Chamomile, Coconut, Copal, Euphorbia, Fennel, Horseradish, Hyssop, Iris, Lavender, Lemon, Lemon Verbena, Mimosa, Parsley, Peppermint, Pepper Tree, Rosemary, Sagebrush, Shallot, Thistle, Thyme, Tobacco, Turmeric, Valerian, Vervain, YuccaCalcite, salt


OrangeBeansCalcite, Herkimer Diamond

Sexual Energy

RedBanana, Beans, Caper, Cohosh, Dragons Blood, Oak, OliveHerkimer Diamond, Jasper


BlueAgrimony, Chamomile, Cinquefoil, Datura, Elder, Hops, Lavender, Lettuce, Linden, Passion Flower, Peppermint, Purslane, Rosemary, Thyme, Valerian, VervainMoonstone


WhiteAfrican Violet, Aloe, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Gardenia, Myrrh, SandalwoodCalcite, Herkimer Diamond, Lepidolite


GreenCinnamon, Clover, Ginger, High John the Conqueror, Rowan, Wahoo, Winters BarkAventurine


BrownMintHerkimer Diamond


YellowBodhi, Iris, Peach, Sage, SunflowerJasper


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